Thursday, August 21, 2008


I feel so great! I have now lost 21lbs. I had lost 16lbs and when I got sick I lost 5lbs more for a total of 21lbs. I knew that I was going to gain weight back, that's what always happens when I loose weight while being sick. I decided not to weigh my self for a week to see what would happen and to not discourage myself. About 3 days ago I weighed myself and I had lost 20lbs all together. So between losing and gaining after being sick I was happy about the 20lbs lost. Today I weight again, and I'm down the 21lbs officially. Although this is a lifestyle change and I do not have to try to loose the weight other than keeping myself from eating foods that are not raw, it is a huge positive for me right now. I did have weight to loose and to have done this so quickly shows my body really did have some unwanted weight.

I have not been using any shampoo. I did shampoo my scalp on Friday 8/15 because on Saturday I was going my cousin’s graduation, graduation party and a wedding that night. My scalp was getting very waxy and I didn't want to go to these big events looking like I don't take showers haha! I have continued other than that day not to use shampoo but I have been washing with conditioner, maybe I will try to cut that own to a couple times a week and slowly stop that even. Slow steps.

My face is clearing up a lot, I love it! The thought of cooked food is not even intriguing to me anymore, my stomach always hurts afterward and it isn't worth it. I have been known to have a bite of a friend’s french fry on occasion, not often though. I think I'm doing pretty darn good!

I had been drinking a lot of water, I'm still trying to drink a lot but with all the fruit I'm eating I know that I'm getting all the water my body really needs. I know I can always use more so I'm trying to continue working on that. My new goal has been not to eat after 7pm. I've done this the last two days and it is working fine so far. It is kind of hard not to grab some fruit while watching TV. I didn't realize how much of a little snacker I am. It's not like I'm hungry that late if I've eaten earlier.

I love eating this way and I feel so grateful to know the people I do and have them in my life. I hear so often that people don't want to talk about the way that they eat because they are told that they need to eat "normal" and that they aren't getting enough nutrients. I don't make a point to talk about it but everyone it has come up to has been very supportive and are nice about trying to find places that I can eat too when we go out. I think more than anything it has opened others eyes to this healthy lifestyle and especially at work there are more people trying to eat more fruits and veggies. I love the support; it makes it so much easier to keep going.

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